Egypt after Morsi
179 images Created 16 Jul 2013
Egypt's most recent bout of political and social upheaval followed massive demonstrations June 30, 2013 in which millions of Egyptians voiced their dissatisfaction with the Muslim Brotherhood dominated government of President Mohamed Morsi. After a 48 hour ultimatum to resolve the political crisis went unanswered by Morsi and the ruling Muslim Brotherhood party, the head of the Egyptian military, Defense Minister Gen. Abdel Fattah El-Sissi announced Morsi had been deposed and detained by authorities at an undisclosed location. The weeks since have been marked with sometimes violent confrontations between supporters and opponents of the ex-President, marches, protests and an extended sit-in at two sprawling protest camps in Cairo. These images have been taken throughout this period and reflect the uncertainly and confrontation that have descended upon Egypt during this latest crisis.